Spaulding Youth Center Receives TBRI® Training Grant from DCYF
February 22, 2018
From L to R: Sara Feldman and Sarah Ausman, Spaulding Youth Center employees.
Spaulding Youth Center is honored to announce two of its employees were awarded with a grant from the New Hampshire Division of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) to attend Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) Practitioner Training.
Sara Feldman and Sarah Ausman, two Spaulding Youth Center employees, responded to a Request for Application issued by DCYF and were among a group of six professionals chosen to attend the courses to become TBRI® Practitioners and Educators. Designed and presented by the Texas-based Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development, the TBRI® method of caregiving is a holistic, evidence-based, trauma-informed intervention that is specifically designed for children who come from hard places, such as maltreatment, abuse, neglect, multiple home placements and violence. Once they complete the TBRI® training, Ms. Feldman and Ms. Ausman will become TBRI® practitioners and educators who are qualified to train staff at Spaulding Youth Center as well as provide training to the foster parents Spaulding licenses.
“I am extremely proud that two of our bright, talented staff were awarded this grant to attend this effective caregiver training,” said Susan C. Ryan, CEO & President of Spaulding Youth Center. “Once Ms. Feldman and Ms. Ausman are TBRI® trainers, they can help to teach this important method to all the staff at Spaulding and others around the state and spread awareness about the tremendous work Spaulding Youth Center does to better the lives of the children and families enrolled in our programs.”
The grant will cover the expenses of a 10-week online training program as well as a five-day classroom training in a national training center in New Orleans, Louisiana. Through the DCYF Post Adoption program, Spaulding Youth Center is also hosting a four-day TBRI® training onsite to provide staff members the opportunity to learn more about this important method that will enhance caregiving throughout campus.
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