Doris Theberge Receives Spaulding Youth Center’s Spaulding Spirit Award
December 19, 2019
Northfield, NH – Spaulding Youth Center is pleased to present the Spaulding Spirit Award to Doris Theberge, Clinician Therapist. This peer-nominated recognition is presented at each quarterly staff meeting to one employee who exemplifies Spaulding Spirit and makes peers proud to be working by their side.
Among numerous thoughtful and compelling nominations, Ms. Theberge was described by her colleagues as skillful, compassionate and understanding, as well as a great listener with amazing clinical skills. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and cares deeply about the children she works with every day.
Ms. Theberge began her Spaulding career in 1983 as a residential counselor and quickly rose to a leadership position. Through her role within the residential program, her interest to work directly with families was ignited. When a family worker position became available, she decided to pursue this new career path. While in this role, Ms. Theberge helped develop the position into the multi-faceted position it is today as well as supported the continued growth of this department. After earning her master’s degree, Ms. Theberge transitioned into a clinician role, where she has once again demonstrated her natural skills to support and guide children. Her current responsibilities include working with Spaulding day school students and developing positive, trusting relationships with these children and their families.
When asked about her favorite part of Spaulding, Ms. Theberge does not hesitate to say the students and staff members. She loves witnessing the growth of those students with whom she works closely and being a part of the compassionate camaraderie among her colleagues. Through her thirty-six-year tenure, Ms. Theberge has witnessed many changes on campus and appreciates the ongoing positive evolution of the organization. She is proud that Spaulding continues to develop programs and services to meet the unique needs of the children we serve. One shining example of this is the growth of direct services for counseling, speech and language, and behavioral supports which are all critical offerings for our special education students.
“Doris is a respected member of our staff who has tirelessly dedicated her entire career to the children of Spaulding Youth Center,” said Susan C. Ryan, President & CEO of Spaulding Youth Center. “Her commitment to our students, their families and to our staff members is truly inspiring. Her work ethic, clinical skills and devotion to our mission has set the tone for the next generation of our staff looking to make a difference. This peer recognition is truly well deserved.”
Ms. Theberge earned a bachelor’s degree in Elementary and Special Education from Keene State College and a Master of Arts in Counseling and Psychotherapy from Notre Dame College. In her spare time, Ms. Theberge enjoys spending time with her husband, children, grandchildren and two dogs.
About Spaulding Youth Center
Spaulding Youth Center is a leading provider of services for children and youth with neurological, emotional, behavioral, learning and/or developmental challenges, including Autism Spectrum Disorder and those who have experienced significant trauma, abuse or neglect. Services include academic, behavioral health, residential, foster care, health and wellness and family support. Spaulding Youth Center is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit. For information about Spaulding Youth Center, visit
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